Dorothy’s Roses Doily

Here we have a perfect pattern for them who loves doily and home decor. At this time at the we will learn how to crochet this amazing doily. Look at this beauty and imagine how can it change your interior, this item is special and it is not hard to crochet with a pattern shared at the bottom, in which there are clear directions about how to crochet this gorgeous doily with no problems.
Special thanks to Elizabeth Ann White for sharing her lovely work for free with us, I hope she will continue sharing her fantastic ideas with us, wish you a good day!

Click here for pattern

3 Replies to “Dorothy’s Roses Doily”

  1. Hallo, ich komm mit der Häkelschrift nicht klar. Könnte mir bitte jemand folgendes erklären?
    Betteln,T-Cluster,Vst, ch, sp,DC, sc,sl,stSchale, schälen. Herzlichen Dank im Voraus

  2. Anita Schödl says: Reply

    Hallo bin neu hier und möchte soooo gerne dieses Deckerl häkeln, aber komme mit der Häkelschrift klar, kann mir jemand helfen? ch,sp, sc, tr, dc,sl, st, Vst, Tr-Cluster, Gleichstrom, Schale schälen. Danke im Voraus Anita

  3. RATNA DEEPA Sriram says: Reply

    Can you share the video tutorial to this above pattern.

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